The Rainlendar can be controlled also with Litestep !Bang-commands. You can also
give the !bangs as command line arguments for Rainlendar.exe (note that this does not work if Rainlendar is OnDesktop).
The bangs can also be used in other places (e.g. buttons) to control the calendar.
!RainlendarShow [Activate]
Displays all Rainlendar windows. If the parameter is given the
calendar window is activated and put on top of the other windows (this doesn't
work if OnBottom window position is selected).
Hides all Rainlendar windows.
!RainlendarToggle [Visible]
Toggles all Rainlendar windows. If visible-argument is given only the visible windows are toggled.
Opens the config-dialog.
Opens the edit skin -dialog.
Refreshes Rainlendar.
Quits Rainlendar.
!RainlendarShowNext [Count]
Shows the next month. The Count defines how many months are skipped.
!RainlendarShowPrev [Count]
Shows the previous month. The Count defines how many months are skipped.
!RainlendarShowMonth [Month] [Year]
Shows the given month. If Year is not given the current year
is used. If the month is also omitted then the current month is
Shows the curretn month (i.e. the one that has today's date).
The !bang to put Rainlendar in a lsBox.
!RainlendarMove [X] [Y] [Window]
Moves the calendar window to a new position. The Window argument defines the window to be moved.
0=Calendar, 1=Todo, 2=MessageBox, 3=EventList
!RainlendarZPos [ZPOS]
Changes the Z-position of the window. Values for ZPOS are: 0 =
OnBottom, 1 = Normal, 2 = OnTop, 3 = OnDesktop.
Opens the Todo dialog where you can add/modify the todo items.
Shows the todo window.
Hides the todo window.
Toggles the todo window.
Shows the EventList window.
Hides the EventList window.
Toggles the EventList window.
Shows the Calendar window.
Hides the Calendar window.
Toggles the Calendar window.
!RainlendarAddEvent [Day] [Month] [Year]
Opens the new event dialog for the given date.
!RainlendarShowItem [Section]
Shows the given item. The argument is the name of the item's section in the skin's ini-file.
!RainlendarHideItem [Section]
Hides the given item. The argument is the name of the item's section in the skin's ini-file.
!RainlendarToggleItem [Section]
Toggles the given item. The argument is the name of the item's section in the skin's ini-file.
Redraws the window. You need to use this if you hide/show items.
!RainlendarChangeSkin [Skin\IniFile]
Changes the skin. The argument is the name of the skin and name of the ini-file separated with '\'-char. E.g. !RainlendarChangeSkin Shadow3.1\English.ini
Opens the message box with all today's events (i.e. the same
Rainlendar opens when it is started).
It's possible to combine multiple bangs together with the !Execute bang. The bags are
separated with []. E.g. !Execute [!RainlendarToggleCalendar][!RainlendarToggleTodo]